Kameha Hotel
You do not need to go in to the Kameha hotel in Bonn, Germany, to know that you have arrived somewhere special. Set in a curve of the Rhine in the suburb of Oberkassel, it looks across the river to some of the main elements of the city, or in the other direction to the Siebengebirge mountains. It is a low-lying building, rising only to a maximum of six floors, which makes the most of its position. Luxurious rooms enjoy magnificent views, and the entire hotel is centred on a gigantic transparent hall, that pays tribute to the great glasshouses of the 19th Century, but using 21st Century technology.
Images courtesy of Tomas Riehle, Köln (Germany)
Architect Architekturbüro Karl-Heinz Schommer Bonn Location Bonn - Germany Company involved Arconic Architectural Products Website http://www.arconic.com -
Multifunctional Centre Hart van Meerdervoort
When the municipalities of Zwijndrecht and Trivire in the south of the Netherlands decided to create a multifunctional centre for the Kort Ambacht Zuid neighbourhood, they initially specified a brick-clad structure. Set on an elongated site, the building needed to accommodate an elementary school, a gym, childcare centre, welfare organisation, and local housing association.
© Dion de Bakker Fotografie
Architect Architectenburo Frans van Roy Location Zwijndrecht (The Netherlands) Company involved Tata Steel Website www.tatasteelconstruction.com/en_GB/OurBrands/Colorcoat -
Biopartner rentable offices and labs
The promisingly named Accelerator and Incubator buildings in historic Dutch university city of Leiden, were designed and built for client BioPartner Center by construction and infrastructure company Dura Vermeer Bouw in partnership with JHK Architecten.
© Palladium Photodesign
Architect JHK architecten Location Leiden - The Netherlands Company involved Tata Steel Website http://www.tatasteel.com